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आपके मोबाइल में ऑनलाइन पेटिशन की फोटो डाउनलोड हुई है। कृपया इसे भी सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करे।

BHARAT SUPPORTS CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act)


I, as a citizen of Bharat, support CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act). It is a crucial step towards aiding persecuted minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who sought refuge in Bharat. Here is why I support CAA:

1. Highlighting Human Rights Violations: The Act raises awareness about the dire conditions faced by minorities in these countries, underscoring the urgent need for their protection and resettlement.

2. Recognition of Sacred Homeland: Emphasizes the importance of Bharat as the sacred homeland of Dharmic traditions and our duty towards these victims of a religion-based partition.

3. Humanitarian Obligation: Stresses the importance of continued support and protection for persecuted minorities in our neighbourhood, who have nowhere else to go.

4. Expedited Citizenship: Speeds up the grant of citizenship for these religiously persecuted people, so they can live a life of dignity and freedom.

I support for the comprehensive implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act, reaffirming Bharat's commitment to justice, equality, and compassion.

Credit: Colorlib